Indian press highlights President Tran Dai Quang’s India visit

Indian press highlights President Tran Dai Quang’s upcoming visit to India

The Times of India run an article on the upcoming visit to India by Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, saying it marks “the completion of 45 years of establishment of diplomatic ties” between the two countries.
Indian press highlights President Tran Dai Quang’s upcoming visit to India ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang (Photo: VNA)

New Delhi (VNA) – The Times of India has run an article on the upcoming visit to India by Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, saying it marks “the completion of 45 years of establishment of diplomatic ties” between the two countries.

The visit by the Vietnamese President will come only a month after the visit to India by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc who was here to attend the India-ASEAN Commemorative Summit and Republic Day parade along with other ASEAN leaders, the paper said.

The article underlined the significance of Quang's visit, saying it shows the importance of the bilateral ties.

President Tran Dai Quang will pay a State visit to India from March 2-4.

Vietnam and India established diplomatic ties on January 7 in 1972.- VNA

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