Indonesia considers plan to develop medical tourism

The Indonesian government is mulling over a plan to develop “medical tourism” in a bid to provide high-quality health care to the public and create a new source of national income.
Indonesia considers plan to develop medical tourism ảnh 1The Indonesian government is mulling over a plan to develop “medical tourism”(Source: Shutterstock)

Jakarta (VNA) – The Indonesian government is mulling over a plan to develop “medical tourism” in a bid to provide high-quality health care to the public and create a new source of national income.

The Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Office’s spokesman Jodi Mahardi said such a move could potentially bolster the country’s medical independence.

A report by PwC showed that 600,000 Indonesians sought medical treatment overseas in 2015 – the most in the world, he said.

Patients in Indonesia in general prefer overseas health care, citing lackluster domestic medical services related to the treatment of certain diseases.

He went on to say that the development of medical tourism in Indonesia was not only feasible, but also highly lucrative given the steady increase in the number of medical tourists around the globe.

Indonesia’s Southeast Asian neighbours, such as Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, have already developed medical tourism.

Medical tourism, he added, could also serve as a catalyst for job creation and a more diversified economy in the country.

With such a goal, the Indonesian government has mulled over a plan to build international hospitals staffed with highly trained health professionals from other countries, in collaboration with related state departments and organisations, such as the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

The plan to develop medical tourism in the country has been years in the making. In 2017, the Tourism Ministry and the Health Ministry signed a memorandum of understanding on the development of medical and health tourism, which was touted as a flagship of special interest tourism./.


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