Jakarta (VNA) - Indonesia has been working to realise its goal of building aquality, sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism industry.
Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) on April 17, Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga SalahuddinUno said the country isimplementing policies to improve people's well-being through participation inthe tourism industry, such as tourism villages andeco-tourism.
Accordingto Uno, over the past years, Indonesia has been known as anadventurous as well as nature- and culture-friendly tourism destination amonginternational tourists.
Indonesia, the minister said, has become areference in the post-pandemic tourism transformation. Indonesia has alsoaligned itself with regenerative tourism and efforts to reduce carbon emissionsthrough tourism.
Among the concrete policies enforced byIndonesia to achieve sustainability are carbon emission offset, planting ofmangrove trees at tourist destinations, reef restoration, and activities toaddress waste, food loss, and food waste issues, Uno informed.
Besides Bali and the five new tourismdestinations, Uno said that Indonesia's new capital, Nusantara, will bedeveloped as a new tourist destination.
The new capital will prioritise sustainable interconnectivityto preserve nature, including by reducing the use of fossil energy to fuelmobility to economic centers in Kalimantan, he added./.