Indonesia, Japan strengthen friendship

The visit of the Japanese Emperor and Empress to Indonesia has further strengthened the friendship between people of the two countries, said Indonesian President Joko Widodo.
 Indonesia, Japan strengthen friendship ảnh 1Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) and Japanese Emperor Naruhito at their meeting in Bogor, Indonesia, June 19, 2023. (Photo: Kyodo/VNA)
Jakarta (VNA) – The visit of the Japanese Emperor and Empress to Indonesia has further strengthened the friendship between people of the two countries, said Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Such a solid foundation is necessary for the development of a strategic partnership between the two countries, especially in the economic field, the President said while walking with the royal couple around the gardens of Bogor presidential palace in West Java on June 19.

President Widodo said he was honoured by the visit, underlining that the friendship between both countries and the people of Japan and Indonesia must continue to be nurtured amid the current challenges in the world.

Lasting from June 17-23, Emperor Naruhito's visit to Indonesia coincided with the 65th anniversary of the Indonesia-Japan diplomatic relations, as well as the 50th anniversary of cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan.

In 1991, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko also visited Indonesia./.

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