Indonesia keen on reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has reminded his aides of the country’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent this year.
Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo has reminded his aides of the country’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent this year.

Jokowi made the statement during a limited cabinet meeting on the Indonesia-Norway cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon pricing on July 6.

Indonesia will continue lowering GHG emissions by 29 percent by 2030, Jokowi affirmed.

In accordance with the Paris Agreement adopted during the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, also ratified by Indonesia, some sectors were included in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Indonesia is obligated to reduce carbon emissions by 17.2 percent in the forestry sector, 11 percent in energy, 0.32 percent in waste treatment, 0.13 percent in agriculture, and 0.11 percent in industry and transportation, the President said.

He demanded programmes on environmental recoveries such as peatland protection and acceleration of forest and land rehabilitation be continued. He also asked for constant vigilance against wildfires, particularly ahead of the dry season.

Jokowi further said other existing measures such as the protection of biodiversity in an effort to protect forests and restore natural habitat must be ensured to run well, too.

Indonesia has started programmes on the development of biodiesel B30, B50, and up to B100, as well as solar energy and wind energy. They should be kept on the move, he added./.

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