Indonesia projected to face rice shortage this year

Based on the estimated rice production data for 2023 from Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the country is predicted to experience a rice shortage for nine months, said Director of Food Supply and Price Stabilisation of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Maino Dwi Hartono.
Indonesia projected to face rice shortage this year ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: antara)
Jakarta (VNA) – Based on the estimated rice production data for 2023 from Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the country is predicted to experience a rice shortage for nine months, said Director of Food Supply and Price Stabilisation of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Maino Dwi Hartono.

Accordingly, the shortage may occur in January and the period between May and December. From February to April – the main harvest season, the country will see a surplus.

The data is temporary, meaning it changes every month according to updates from BPS, Maino said in a recent virtual discussion.

The official noted that with many months of deficit this year, Bapanas is encountering a challenge to maintain rice prices.

Last month, President Joko Widodo announced that Indonesia will continue to import rice for the national reserves, after buying 500,000 tonnes from Thailand and Vietnam between December and February.

Indonesia's rice reserves were about 600,000 tonnes as of February 17, lower than the requirement of at least 1.2 million tonnes./.

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