Indonesia strives to resume operation of airport in tsunami-hit Palu c

Indonesia strives to resume operation of airport in tsunami-hit Palu city

Flight activities at Sis Al-Jufri Airport in Palu, Central Sulawes,i are expected to return to normal within a week to serve travel demands and provide aid to locals hit by the recent deadly earthquake and tsunami, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on October 2.
Indonesia strives to resume operation of airport in tsunami-hit Palu city ảnh 1Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Source: Antara)
Jakarta (VNA) – Flight activities at Sis Al-Jufri Airportin Palu, Central Sulawesi are expected to return to normal within a week toserve travel demands and provide aid to locals hit by the recent deadlyearthquake and tsunami, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on October 2.

On October 1, the airport was able to be used eventhough only 2,000sq.m had been cleared of debris, but the clean up will befinished within a week, the president said.

He clarified that because the airport has notreturned to normal operation just yet, the delivery of aid in the form of food,drinking water, and other needs such as fuel oil has been constrained. Meanwhile,land routes were also damaged due to bridges collapsing and landslides.

The presidentalso mentioned that conditions in Palu and surrounding areas are still in astate of emergency. The evacuation of victims has not been completed.

Many places had been experiencing difficultiesin the evacuation process as heavy equipment was unable reach the areas, butlast night heavy equipment finally began to enter Palu, he said.

Regarding the telecommunications network, the presidentsaid that more than 1,000 base transceiver stations and telecommunicationstowers were damaged, but authorised forces are working hard to resume allactivities as soon as possible.

Sulawesi was ravaged by two quakesmeasuring 6.1 and 7.5 on the Richter scale on September 28. A 6m tsunami hitthe shores after the second quake struck the area in the afternoon of the sameday.

The death toll following the earthquakeand subsequent tsunami has now climbed to 1,249 and may continue rising ashundreds are said to be trapped under the debris. As many as 48,000 people havebeen evacuated.

Currently, Indonesian authorised agenciesare providing food and necessities to Sulawesi, while also stepping up rescueactivities. –VNA 

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