At apress conference on September 2, DGCE Director General Agung Kuswandonosaid the joint patrol will be carried out in two phases.
The first phase is to take place in Batam, Indonesia, fromSeptember 2-15, while the second phase will be conducted in Johor,Malaysia, from October 22 to November 4.
The joint patrol aimsat improving law enforcement and customs acts of the two countries,while strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation between the twocustom offices in sea patrol implementation, in both coordinated patroland routine sea patrols, said Agung Kuswandono.
MalaysianCustoms top leader Datok Sri Khazali bin Haji Ahmad said as Indonesiaand Malaysian share a long water border, it is crucial for customsagancies of both countries to strengthen information sharing andsecurity to prevent drug trafficking.
Malaysian Customs is todeploy 70 personnel and seven ships for the joint exercise, whileIndonesia will send about 100 personnel and nine ships.
After the joint exercise, the two countries will also conduct a bilateral meeting in Lombok, Indonesia this year.-VNA