International media highlight Vietnam football league with packed crowds

Reuters news agency has run an article featuring stadiums in Vietnam with thousands of fans on June 5, as the country resumed top-flight football matches without social distancing measures or curbs on crowd sizes.
International media highlight Vietnam football league with packed crowds ảnh 1At the Thien Truong Stadium in Nam Dinh province (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– Reuters news agency has run an article featuring stadiums in Vietnam with thousands of fans on June 5, as the country resumed top-flight football matches without social distancing measures or curbs on crowd sizes.

Matches in Vietnam’s professional league were suspended in March but with success in combating the spread of the novel coronavirus, the country is eagerly pursuing a return to normalcy to get its economy back on track, according to the article.

Hand sanitiser was available at the stadium in Nam Dinh province as stewards performed temperature checks on fans, who were asked to wear masks as they entered, it said.

Vietnam’s national team captain Que Ngoc Hai of Viettel said it was wonderful to see a full stadium.

“I’m not saying this to compare us with other countries, but Vietnamese football has returned after the COVID outbreak, it showed how well us Vietnamese have fought the virus,” he told Reuters./.

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