Int’l Court of Justice important to settling int’l disputes: ambassador

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy affirmed the important role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in peacefully settling international disputes while speaking at an annual meeting between the UN Security Council and ICJ President Joan Donoghue on November 2.
Int’l Court of Justice important to settling int’l disputes: ambassador ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN (Photo: VNA)
New York (VNA) – Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy affirmed the important role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in peacefully settling international disputes while speaking at an annual meeting between the UN Security Council and ICJ President Joan Donoghue on November 2.

In his remarks, Quy, who is the Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, said through its judicial and advisory functions, the ICJ has helped promote the adherence to international law and the rule of law at the international level.

Vietnam holds that the international order is facing serious challenges as violations of the UN Charter and international law are rampant, he noted.

In that context, the UN Security Council needs to boost the compliance with international law as an effective tool for maintaining international peace and security, he said, suggesting it strengthen coordination with the ICJ.

The ICJ President has an important role to play in terms of judgement, management, representation, and diplomacy and can help enhance the court’s activities and role in promoting the rule of law, thereby contributing to international peace and security, according to Ambassador Quy.

The diplomat underlined that peacefully settling international disputes is one of the fundamental principles of international law, and this principle also covers the obligation to comply with the rulings, verdicts, and decisions made by international jurisdictional and judicial bodies.

He affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of adhering to the fundamental principles of international law regarding peacefully handling disputes and not using or threatening to use force.

The country highly values and supports international legal bodies to foster their role in advancing the cooperation and friendship among countries, Quy went on.

Vietnam called for improving the national capacity in using international judgement and arbitration mechanisms and expressed its hope for stronger cooperation with the ICJ in training young people in international law.

Established in 1945, the ICJ is the main judicial organ of the UN. Its role is to settle disputes submitted to it by states and to give legal consultations to the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and some international organisations and specialised agencies./.

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