Hanoi (VNA) - The Embassyof Israel in Vietnam will present the Israel Film Festival 2018 from June 1-4with various films touching on a number of topics from daily life to monumentaldramas, and from documentaries to kid’s films.
“Through the films, Vietnameseaudiences will have a chance to contemplate the beautiful landscapes of Israel,as well as learn more about the culture, traditions and identities of theIsraeli people,” said Ambassador Nadav Eshcar.
Opening on June 1, Wedding Doll tells the story of Hagit,a young woman with a mild mental deficiency who works in a toilet-paperfactory. She lives with her mother Sarah, a divorcee who gave up her life forher daughter.
Followed by Abulele, which is about a boy living inJerusalem. He befriends an ancient local monster called Abulele. By helping hisnew friend get back home, he reconnects with his parents.
A Quiet Heart features Naomi, a secular youngwoman, who seeks refuge from the pressure of her life in Tel Aviv as a concertpianist. Presenting Princess Shaw,a documentary on the collaborative relationship between New Orleans-basedsongwriter and YouTube star Samantha Montgomery, and composer and video artistOphir Kutiel.
Hill Start will conclude the festival. It’s a dramaof the Geva family, a bourgeois family from Jerusalem. When the mother of thefamily, Ora, goes into a coma after a car accident, the family members try tobring her back in every way possible.-VNA