HCMCity (VNA) - The 11th Information and CommunicationTechnology Awards (ICT AWARDS) in Ho Chi Minh City themed thejourney towards a smart city was launched at a ceremony held by the municipalDepartment of Information andCommunications on August 7.
The award aims to call on enterprises and individuals operating inICT to develop technological products and solutions, which are expected to havea positive impact on the implementation of a project to turn HCM City into asmart city in 2017-2020, with a vision to 2025.
Accordingto Director of the municipal Department of Information andCommunications Duong Anh Duc, smart city building aims to ensure objectives relatedto high economic growth towards a knowledge and digital economy, effectiveurban management, improvement of living and working environment.
Entries should be submitted to the organising board duringthe period from August 8 to October September 30. An awards ceremony isexpected to be held in December.
The 11th ICT Awards will be divided into six groups - Enterpriseswith outstanding software solutions, enterprises with outstanding hardwareproducts, enterprises with outstanding value-added services, organisations withoutstanding ICT applications, organisations and individuals with outstandingachievements to contribute to the ICT development of the city, and ICT studentswith excellent results in studying and researching.
The annual awards were initiated by the municipal People’s Committee in 2008,aiming to promote economic development based on making the best use of humanresources, natural resources and technology, in order to ensure sustainabledevelopment of the city. -VNA