Hanoi (VNA) – The friendship between theJapanese Communist Party (JCP) and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) hasbeen reinforced in recent years, according to Ogata Yasuo – JCP Vice Chairmanand Head of the JCP’s International Affairs Department.
He made the remark while meeting with Pham MinhChinh, Politburo member and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’sOrganisation Commission, in Hanoi on February 22.
Yasuo, who is on a visit to Vietnam fromFebruary 21-23, said close relations between the two parties have helped enhancetheir mutual trust and understanding as well as ties between the countries.
He also informed his host about the JCP’s 27thcongress last January, noting that the congress ratified a resolution whichanalysed the situation in Japan, the region and the world and set out directionsfor the party in the future.
On behalf of the CPV Central Committee, Chinhcongratulated the JCP on the successful 27th congress, voicing his belief thatthe party will succeed in realising the congress’s resolution and reap evengreater achievements in the near future.
The two parties should increase cooperation toenhance links and contribute to the two peoples’ friendship and the extensivestrategic partnership between Vietnam and Japan, he added.
Earlier, the JCP delegation held talks withChairman of the CPV Central Committee’s External Relations Commission HoangBinh Quan and met with Permanent Vice Chairman of the commission Tran Dac Loi.
At these meetings, Ogata Yasuo said hisinternational affairs department will continue coordinating with the CPV’s ExternalRelations Commission to carry out the agreements reached between the twoparties’ senior leaders, including the organisation of their sevenththeoretical workshop in Japan this year.
He stressed the parties will maintaininformation exchange, cooperation, and mutual support at international forums,helping to foster Vietnamese-Japanese relations, as well as internationalcommunist and workers’ movements.-VNA