Japanese, Lao PMs hold talks on joint development plan

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Lao counterpart Thongloun Sisolith held talks in Tokyo on June 7 to discuss implementation of a plan to spur development in Laos and other issues.
Japanese, Lao PMs hold talks on joint development plan ảnh 1Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (R) shakes hands with his Lao counterpart Thongloun Sisolith (Photo: AFP/VNA)
Tokyo (VNA) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Lao counterpart Thongloun Sisolith held talks in Tokyo on June 7 to discuss implementation of a plan to spur development in Laos and other issues.

During a previous meeting in Vientiane last September, the two PMs agreed on the plan, which involves investment in transport, power generation and distribution, human resources, agriculture and public works.

Abe said that Lao is a target destination for his administration's push for "high-quality" infrastructure investment in the Asia-Pacific region, aimed at reaping both economic and strategic benefits.

"We will work together to maintain and strengthen a free and open international order based on the rule of law, including by fortifying regional coordination," Abe said.

Thongloun appreciated Japan's contributions, adding that his government "wants to strengthen the environment for Japanese companies to invest in Laos."

He said he and Abe affirmed their ongoing cooperation in realising direct flights between Vientiane and Tokyo.

He also hailed Japan's commitment to working on roads and other infrastructure investment in the East-West Economic Corridor through the Mekong region to improve connectivity.
The two leaders frankly exchanged view on urgent regional and global issues, including those in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the East Sea.

Earlier in the day, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his Lao counterpart Saleumxay Kommasith discussed ongoing initiatives between the two countries.

The Lao PM attended a conference on the future of Asia in Tokyo earlier this week.-VNA

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