Kien Giang enjoys effective cooperation with 12 foreign localities

The Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang has so far signed cooperation deals with 12 localities of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, France and Japan, according to the provincial Department of External Affairs.
Kien Giang enjoys effective cooperation with 12 foreign localities ảnh 1A corner of Kien Giang province (Photo: VTV)

Kien Giang (VNA) – The Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang has so far signed cooperation deals with 12 localities of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, France and Japan, according to the provincial Department of External Affairs.

Kien Giang province has cooperated with Cambodia’s Kampot, Kep, Preah Sihanouk, Koh Kong and Phnom Penh in the fields of economy, culture-society, security and defence. Meanwhile, a comprehensive agreement was signed with Laos’ Salavan province.

Kien Giang has beefed up ties with Thailand’s Chanthaburi and Trat provinces in tourism, agriculture, trade, investment, agriculture, husbandry, education, and culture-sports.

Cooperation deals were signed with the Republic of Korea’s locality and universities. The Vietnamese province collaborated with Jeju Special Self-Governing province in economy, culture-society, sports, investment support, business and information exchange in some sectors. Also, it inked cooperation agreements on vocational training with Kyungnam University and Daedong College.

Collaborative relations were set up with France’s Lorient city in fishing and seafood processing, ship building, education, healthcare, tourism, investment and development support, and information exchange.

In addition, Kien Giang joined hands with Japan’s Kobe city and Yamaguchi prefecture in the environment, wastewater treatment, agriculture, tourism, and seafood preservation.

The provincial People’s Committee ordered relevant sectors and localities to carry out the agreements in a practical and effective manner, thus promoting local images and potential to lure more investments.

Director of the provincial Department of External Affairs Van Cong Dau said that the province will work to enhance information exchange and boost cooperation with localities of India, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.

Information on foreign services will be paid due attention to introduce the province’s strengths to foreign investors, he said, adding that the province will give top priority to developing friendship with potential countries, and those having long-standing relations with Vietnam.-VNA

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