Lao Cai enlarges cinnamon cultivation acreage

The northern province of Lao Cai will scale up its cinnamon plantations to 25,000 hectares by 2025, a 2.5-fold increase from current land use.
Lao Cai enlarges cinnamon cultivation acreage ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

The northern province of Lao Cai will scale up its cinnamon plantations to 25,000 hectares by 2025, a 2.5-fold increase from current land use, said To Manh Tien, Vice Director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Cinnamon planting areas will be expanded to 50 communes in four districts of Bao Thang, Van Ban, Bao Yen and Bac Ha with ideal conditions to develop cinnamon for essential oils.

The province also zoned off 150 hectares of land for breeding cinnamon saplings in Nam Det, Nam Tha, Xuan Hoa, Phu Nhuan and Phong Hai towns to ensure adequate supply for local germination. An oil-manufacturing company and four cinnamon wood fine-art processing stations are set to be constructed in the locality as well.

Lao Cai is currently encouraging and creating favourable conditions for enterprise investment, such as providing preferential loans, tax reductions and material zone localisations, a move to increase the quality and value of cinnamon products. It is also designing mechanisms to manage businesses production and the extracting of cinnamon oil.

Meanwhile, local farmers have been supported through trade promotion and product popularisation efforts as well as methods to advance quality.-VNA


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