Local project aims to raise community income in Thailand

Thailand’s Commerce Ministry has launched the Local+ project to increase income for low-income earners by identifying and supporting local products in three categories: bio-, circular and green (BCG), innovation and identity.
Local project aims to raise community income in Thailand ảnh 1Thailand’s Commerce Ministry has launched the Local project to increase income for low-income earners. (Photo: bangkokpost.com)
Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand’s Commerce Ministry has launched the Local project to increase income for low-income earners by identifying and supporting local products in three categories: bio-, circular and green (BCG), innovation and identity.

The initiative aims to serve consumers' shifting concerns about the environment and health, while increasing income within local communities.

Keerati Rushchano, the permanent secretary for commerce, said the project focuses on three categories of products: BCG products, emphasising natural resources, environmental conservation, health and organic products; identity products, aimed at preserving local wisdom, cultural values, uniqueness and geographical indication (GI) products; and innovative products, enhancing the competitiveness of community products.

The ministry will provide assistance related to production knowledge, product development and market expansion to make goods that align with domestic and international demand, he said.

Keerati said the ministry would use five strategies to promote the Local products: building knowledge about marketing among farmers and entrepreneurs; database development for local products; market expansion; organising the Thailand International Local Expo 2023 in June to increase knowledge of marketing strategies and quality standards; and expanding opportunities for entrepreneurs and establishing online business matchmaking.

The project will focus on quality products that differ from regular goods produced in communities, such as Otop products, he said.

The ministry aims to generate 650-700 million THB (18.8-20.3 million USD) in sales revenue from the local products under the Local project in the first year of operation.

Some 200 entrepreneurs have been identified as potential participants in the project, said Keerati./.

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