Malaysia accepts 68 Syrian refugees

Malaysia received 68 Syrian refugees on May 28, including 31 children, with hundreds more expected soon.
Malaysia accepts 68 Syrian refugees ảnh 1Syrian refugee children (Source:

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - Malaysia received 68 Syrian refugees on May 28, including 31 children, with hundreds more expected soon.

Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi told reporters after the arrival of the second arrival of migrants that Malaysia will take in 3,000 Syrian refugees. About 200 more will be coming in the next few months.

Zahid said the Syrian migrants will be allowed to work, while the children will be able to attend public schools.

They will be provided with accommodation and financial assistance during their temporary stay, with local NGOs providing humanitarian support.

Prime Minister Najib Razak said last October that Malaysia would accept 3,000 Syrian migrants over the next three years to help ease the refugee crisis.

Last December, the Southeast Asian country accepted the first group of 11 Syrian migrants who had relatives in Malaysia.-VNA


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