MalaysianPrime Minister Najib Razak told a joint press briefing that the leadersagreed to establish a new mechanism for resolving territorial issuesafter a meeting with the visiting Indonesian President Joko Widodo onFebruary 6.
Two sides will appoint special envoys to leadexploratory talks on a solution acceptable for both countries, as yearsof negotiations have yet to yield results.
The two leaders alsoagreed that Indonesian workers should come to Malaysia though officialrecruitment channels to ensure their safety.
An estimated 4,000Indonesians are now employed in Malaysia as domestic helpers throughlegal channels, but around 105,000 others are working through unofficialmeans.
In terms of economics, two nations will continue to broaden trade. Their two-way trade was worth 18.25 billion USD in 2014.
From2008 to September 2014, Malaysia invested 3.97 billion USD in Indonesiawhile Indonesian investments in Malaysia came to 1.89 billion USD.
PM Najib affirmed that Malaysia always welcomes Indonesianinvestors while President Widodo said Indonesia consistently createsfavourable conditions for Malaysian businesses.-VNA