Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Malaysia has introduced its firstFlagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme with four shortlisted finalists,namely National Heart Institute (IJN), Island Hospital, Mahkota Medical Centre, and Subang Jaya Medical Centre.
According to the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), theprogramme plays an instrumental role in transforming the healthcare ecosystemin Malaysia and the region. Besides, through the programme, the country’s tophospitals are intensifying commitment and endeavours to raise the bar ofexcellence in delivering exceptional and-to-end services to patients, furtherreinforcing Malaysia’s position as a safe and trusted destination forhealthcare.
Health minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said the programme willpromote innovation and excellent in medical services, bring them closer to achievinga more resilient healthcare system for the country and establishing MalaysiaHealthcare as a world-renowned and credible global healthcare brand.
The Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme is acollaborative effort between the MHTC and global medical accreditation bodiesIQVIA and Joint Commission International (JCI)./.