Malaysia needs 2.4 billion USD to overcome pandemic next year

Malaysia is in need of 10 billion RM (over 2.4 billion USD) to safely ride out the COVID-19 pandemic next year, the New Straits Times has reported.
Malaysia needs 2.4 billion USD to overcome pandemic next year ảnh 1 Collecting samples for COVID-19 test in Malaysia's Selangor (Photo: Xinhua/VNA)

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Malaysia is in need of 10 billion RM (over 2.4 billion USD) to safely ride out the COVID-19 pandemic next year, the New Straits Times has reported.

According to Dr Maznah Dahlui, a lead researcher in the COVID-19 Epidemiological Analysis and Strategies Taskforce (CEASE) under the country’s Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, the sum will cover treatment, contact tracing, surveillance and testing, and the cost for delivering and administering vaccines when they are available.

The ministry has so far spent an estimated 2 billion RM on Covid-19, she reportedly said, adding that 820 million RM was channeled into treatment charges for 35,425 patients up to November 4.

Malaysia reported 1,755 new COVID-19 infections in the highest daily spike since the outbreak, the Health Ministry said on November 6, bringing the national total to 38,189.

Of the total cases, 279 were dead and 26,380 recovered. Of the remaining 11,530 active cases, 83 were held in intensive care./.

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