Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - Malaysia cancontinue to bank on its strong bilateral trade and investment linkages,especially within ASEAN, to boost its trade as well as take advantage ofvarious trade pacts such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement forTrans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), said a Malaysian scholar.
TanSri Dr Munir Majid, Chairman of CIMB ASEAN Research Institute (CARI) ASEANResearch and Advocacy, said the country must also not be afraid ofopportunities such as those offered by the CPTPP.
He said that the talk on the Asian Monetary Fund (AMF), which was mooted bythe Prime Minister recently, is timely.
Thereare still good extra-regional markets such as Mexico and Canada, he said, adding that the European Union (EU)should not be forgotten. Even the US, Mexico and Canada, as there is an FTAamong the three.
Besides, the Federation ofMalaysian Manufacturers (FMM) also urged the Government to sign preferential tradeagreements with emerging countries such as Bangladesh and Middle Eastcountries, especially the United Arab Emirates./.