Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - Malaysian Prime Minister MuhyiddinYassin will attend the Special ASEAN Summit slated for April 24 in Indonesia’sJakarta, according to the Malaysian foreign ministry.
Atthe summit, ASEAN leaders are scheduled to discuss the situation in Myanmar thathas faced a political crisis since February 1.
ForeignMinister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein on April 20 said he hopesMyanmar would accept representatives from Southeast Asian countries to observeand help the crisis-hit country return to normal.
The planto organise the Special ASEAN Summit has been accelerated by Indonesia,especially Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, over the past weeks, with thesupport of Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines.
Inearly April, Brunei – ASEAN Chair – also voiced its support for theorganisation of the summit to look into developments in Myanmar./.