Many precious moments at the World Press Photo Exhibition 2021

Impressive images about the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, political conflicts... leave many emotions and impacts on viewers of all ages.

This is not a real baby but a surreal reborn doll designed for multiple purposes. One of them is to replace a dead baby and thus become a psychological treatment for mothers who suffer from this losing their children.

The image is part of a Polish photographer's Rebirth project. It appears in the 2021 World Press Photo Exhibition in Hanoi.

The event, organized by the Embassy of the Netherlands in collaboration with the Hanoi People's Committee, is currently happening in the pedestrian area along Hoan Kiem Lake.

More than 74,000 photos have been submitted to the competition, telling ponderous stories of the world over the past year.

Impressive images about the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, political conflicts... leave many emotions and impacts on viewers of all ages./.