Accordingly, with an exchange rate of 25,356 VND per USD, Masanwill receive 6.22 trillion VND in net cash from this investment, helping significantly improve its balance sheet. At the same time, Masan will continueto actively seek alternative solutions to reduce leverage and reduce interestcosts.
Over the past two years, Masan has successfully raised 1.5 billion USD from theglobal capital market.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, Masan successfully hedged100% of the risk of long-term debt in USD with reasonable terms, with 950million USD of loan principal converted to VND at the exchange rate of 23,937and a fixed interest rate at 8.93% per year.
In addition, on April 20, Techcombank, Masan's affiliatedcompany, approved a 15% cash dividend payment plan. Owning 19.9% economicinterests in TCB, Masan is expected to receive more than 1,000 billion VND incash in the next six months, helping Masan facilitate the work of reducingfinancial leverage./.