Specifically, in the first option, the buying and selling ofelectricity would be conducted through a private transmission line invested bythe private sector. With this option, the purchasing and selling of electricitywould not be limited in terms of capacity, output, connection voltage level andelectricity use purpose.
The power generators would be responsible for investing in theconstruction of power projects in line with the power development planning. Theplants and the customers must comply with the established regulations onelectricity purchase and sale.
The electricity retail prices for large users were regulated underDecision No 1062 dated May 4, with the average price at 1,920.3732 per kWh.
In the second option, electricity purchase and sale would beconducted through the national grid system, meaning that the trading must gothrough EVN, which currently holds a monopoly in electricity retailing.
As for this option, wind and solar power plants must be connectedto the national power system and have an installed capacity of at least 10 MW.Customers were required to purchase electricity for production purposes with avoltage of 22 kW or more.
In the period when the Law on Price had not come into effect, theretail electricity prices for production purposes would be regulated by thePrime Minister’s Decision No 24/2017 about the average electricity retailprices and Decision No 28/2014 about the electricity price bracket.
After the Law on Price came into effect, the electricity priceswould reflect properly and fully the charges on-the-spot electricity marketplus service changes.
The ministry said that it would give a push to the implementationof the first option.
An expert said that the DPPA mechanism would help ease the burdenon EVN in investing in power generation and transmission while encouraging theparticipation of the private sector in the power industry.
In many cases, customers could buy electricity at lower or higherprices, depending on the production costs of the generators.
In mid-July, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade to complete the study on DPPA in an effort to speed up energytransition projects./.