Miss Vietnam Intellectual coming this autumn

The 2015 Miss Vietnam Intellectual contest is coming to the northern province of Hai Duong this autumn.
Miss Vietnam Intellectual coming this autumn ảnh 1Press conference to announce the contest (Photo: VNA)

The 2015 Miss Vietnam Intellectual contest is coming to the northern province of Hai Duong this autumn.

The cultural contest aims to honour the spirit, personality, intelligence and talent of Vietnamese women, as well as promote the country and citizens' images to the rest of the world.

This year the competition will take place from October 9 to November 12, with preliminaries, semifinals and finals.

The organising board will select 60 contestants for the semi-finals, which will take place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City between October 15 and 20.

The finals will be held in Hai Duong from November 2 to 12.

Successful candidates must make it through the ao dai (Vietnamese long dress) performance; bikini contest; and exams on technology, knowledge and understanding of history, culture and society. They will also have the chance to participate in sport and charity activities.

Miss Vietnam Intellectual 2015 will be awarded a crown, a prize of 100 million VND (4,500 USD), a trip abroad, a full MBA (Master of Business Administration) scholarship and other gifts.

Those who come in second and third place, along with Miss Talent, Miss Friendly, Miss Ao Dai, Miss Photo, Miss Athletic, Miss Jewelry and others will also be presented as winners.

The beauty pageant is held biennially for unmarried females aged between 18 and 27 to honour the beauty of young Vietnamese women.-VNA


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