Mother Goddesses Worshipping introduced in Hue

An exhibition themed “Mother Goddesses Worshipping Religion in Hue” is taking place in Hue Culture Museum, Thua Thien-Hue province.

Mother Goddess worshipping is a traditional practice in Vietnam with a long history, having stood the test of time. To offer cultural enthusiasts and tourists an insight into the religion, an exhibition themed “Mother Goddesses Worshipping Religion in Hue” is taking place in Hue Culture Museum, Thua Thien-Hue province.

The items on display include photos, costumes and musical instruments; as well as stories of practitioners under a cultural perspective.

Mingled with Cham ethnic culture, the religion practices in Hue are slightly different from those elsewhere in Vietnam. For instance, only in Hue is Thien Y Ana Mother Goddess of the ancient Po Nagar Kingdom included in the list of four almighty Mother Goddesses.

Vietnam’s "Practices Related to the Viet Beliefs in the Mother Goddesses in Three Realms was recognised as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2016. In Thua Thien Hue province, the annual Mother Goddesses Festival in Hon Chen temple has attracted more and more people to experience the distinctive cultural trait.

By providing exhibition goers with sufficient knowledge on Mother Goddess Worshipping practices in Hue, organisers expect the community will be interested in protecting the distinctive cultural value of the locality.

The exhibition is scheduled to last until November 2.-VNA