Myanmar: Gov’t, armed groups hope for ceasefire

Negotiators from the Myanmar government and ethnic armed groups on August 8 vowed to continue working toward a nationwide ceasefire accord (NCA) and initiate a political dialogue as soon as possible.
Myanmar: Gov’t, armed groups hope for ceasefire ảnh 1Myanmar government, armed groups hope for ceasefire (Source: Xinhua)

Negotiators from the Myanmar government and ethnic armed groups on August 8 vowed to continue working toward a nationwide ceasefire accord (NCA) and initiate a political dialogue as soon as possible.

The commitment was made after the government's Union Peace Making Work Committee (UPWC) and the Senior Delegation (SD) of the ethnic armed groups concluded their two-day ninth round of peace talks held at the Myanmar Peace Centre.

According to a joint press release, the two sides agreed on all points included in the draft NCA except the point concerning the matter of inviting all other armed groups to take part in the formal signing of the NCA.

They also agreed to publish the details of the draft NCA to keep the public informed, the release added. The peace process began in November 2013 when UPWC and NCCT met in Myitgyina, the capital of Kachin state. The previous eighth round of talks took place in Yangon on July 22.-VNA


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