This is thethird year in a row that Nestlé Vietnam has been selected among the threemost sustainable businesses and the first year that the company has beenhonoured as the most sustainable business in Vietnam.
La Vie, amember of Nestlé Group, was named in the Top 100 Sustainable Businesses in Vietnam.
The 100companies were selected from more than 600 companies in different sectors.
To achievethis recognition, Nestlé Vietnam and La Vie met the CorporateSustainability Index for 2021 with 119 criteria in the areas of businessperformance, governance process, environmental protection, and society.
Since 2020,Nestlé has determined that its sustainable development strategy should not stopat sustainable goals and actions but move towards a comprehensive approach thatfocuses on renewing and regenerating the natural ecosystem.
The NestléGroup has developed a roadmap to cut carbon emissions in phases towardsachieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing emissions and carbonemissions across operations and supply chains.
In Vietnam, Nestléhas been pioneering regenerative agriculture through the NESCAFÉ Plan project.
Binu Jacob, GeneralDirector of Nestlé Vietnam and co-chairman of VBCSD, said that in allactivities Nestlé cooperates closely with partners in Vietnam to "CreateShared Value", contributing to the development of society while ensuringlong-term success in business.
As a leadingenterprise in the bottled natural mineral water sector in the country,protection and regeneration of natural water sources is one of La Vie's prioritysustainable development goals.
To accomplishthis goal, in 2021, despite facing some challenges due to COVID-19, La Vie hassuccessfully supported partners to save millions of litres of water inproduction.
La Vie is thefirst and only enterprise in Vietnam that has been certified as meeting theAlliance for Water Stewardship standard, a global benchmark for responsiblewater stewardship across social, environmental and economic criteria.
Towards azero-waste future, La Vie has constantly improved packaging towards fullyrecyclable packaging design, minimising the weight of plastic bottles andsupporting a circular economy./.