The VGI-Automobile conference aimed to link experts with Vietnamesebusinesses operating in the European market in technical sectors to support thefirms in approaching and partnering with German enterprises where Vietnamese andVietnamese-origin experts are working.
It also offered a chance for the experts to meet diplomaticofficials and representatives from Vietnamese ministries and sectors to explorethe demand of Vietnamese businesses at home, and introduce their capacity and possibilityto bring German technologies to the firms.
Participants at the event discussed opportunities to strengthentheir connectivity and cooperation in automobile and related technical sectors.
The VGI Network was established in September 2019, acting asa bridge for experts and scientists in Vietnam and Germany as well as the entireEurope to share experience and in-depth information on the market demands andthe domestic research and science-technology application system, as well asprogrammes and projects serving the development of Vietnam’s science andtechnology, thus contributing to the socio-economic development at home./.