No deal reached at 2nd summit

US President Donald Trump and DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-un have failed to reach an agreement at their second summit in Hanoi, but talks between the two nations will continue in the future.
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 1President Trump and Chairman Kim depart the hotel where they’ve been holding summit negotiations far earlier than planned (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 2'The two leaders discussed various ways to advance denuclearization and economic driven concepts,' White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. 'No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future.' (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 3President Trump and Chairman Kim depart the hotel where they’ve been holding summit negotiations far earlier than planned (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 4President Trump and Chairman Kim depart the hotel where they’ve been holding summit negotiations far earlier than planned (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 5President Trump and Chairman Kim depart the hotel where they’ve been holding summit negotiations far earlier than planned (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 6President Trump and Chairman Kim depart the hotel where they’ve been holding summit negotiations far earlier than planned (Photo: VNA)
No deal reached at 2nd summit ảnh 7A joint agreement signing ceremony is scrapped (Photo: VNA)

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