Oil-gas industry enhances education-popularisation work

Throughout the course of development of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, education-popularisation work has always received due attention, helping encouraging and fostering patriotism and work dedication among generations of engineers, workers and other employees in the industry.
Oil-gas industry enhances education-popularisation work ảnh 1Officers of the group's Commission of Education and Popularisation honoured (Photo: PVN)

Hanoi, (VNA)
– After 45 years of development, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) has grown into a pillar of the national economy, performing the important tasks of exploring and exploiting natural resources, ensuring energy security and food security of the country, thus contributing to stabilising the macro economy and protecting national sovereignty at sea.

Throughout the group’s course of development, education-popularisation work has always received due attention, helping encouraging and fostering patriotism and work dedication among generations of engineers, workers and other employees in the industry.

Under instructions of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, Party organisations in the oil and gas industry were merged under an umbrella Party organisation of PetroVietnam, and a Commission of Education and Popularisation was officially set up under the group’s Party Committee. The commission has the functions of advising and assisting the group’s Party Committee in organising the implementation of tasks.

Realising the importance of education-popularisation and communication work, after the second Party congress of the group for the 2015-2020 tenure, the standing board of the group’s Party Committee and the management issued documents to guide communication work and the building of a corporate culture.

Then on October 1, 2018, the group officially launched its Communication and Corporate Culture Department, which was created by merging the group’s Party Committee’s Commission of Education and Popularisation and several other units.

The establishment of the department has facilitated the education and popularisation work, and the combination of Party building work with the group’s business activities.

On May 15, 2019, the group’s Party Committee issued Resolution 281/NQ-DU on communication and corporate culture, highlighting the role of communication work in providing the public with accurate and timely information on the role and position of PetroVietnam in national economic development.

The communication work by the oil and gas sector focuses on the key goals and tasks as follows:

First, popularising the Party and State’s policies on energy and oil and gas among all staff members and Party members of PetroVietnam, providing quick, transparent information about every aspect in the operation of the group and its member units, from Party, political and ideological work to management of production and business activities, reform of corporate governance, international cooperation, building of corporate culture, social security and social responsibility.

Second, cheering on and encouraging workers in the industry to follow those policies, engage in the implementation of the Party’s resolutions and PetroVietnam’s major policies; encouraging oil and gas workers to uphold the glorious traditions and accomplishments of previous generations of workers so as to overcome all difficulties and work hard to fulfil all assigned tasks; reporting on exemplary models in production and creativity.

Third, setting the orientation of and create positive public opinions along with consensus within the group and in society, providing all-level administrations, all agencies and the public a correct and full understanding of the activities and heavy tasks performed by PetroVietnam, the achievements and contributions of the oil and gas industry, thus winning their sympathy and support.

Fourth, actively promoting the trademark, products and services of the group and its subsidiary companies in the market; assisting subsidiaries in seeking partners in investment and business; popularising effective and dynamic business and administration models along with scientific research and experience in applying scientific and technological advances in production, thus raising productivity, reducing costs and enhancing product quality.

Fifth, timely reporting problems related to legal matters, financial-investment mechanisms and market difficulties that arise during the group’s operation, thus contributing to the building and perfecting the legal framework and policies for the oil and gas sector.

As a result of the above-mentioned efforts, the communication work of the group has made remarkable strides forward.

At present, the oil and gas sector has four newspapers run by more than 40 professional journalists, not to mention 14 news bulletins and specialised publications along with 97 electronic news websites and internal websites with more than 100 staff members.

Oil-gas industry enhances education-popularisation work ảnh 2Journalists visit Ca Mau gas processing plant (Photo: PVN)

The Department of Communication and Corporate Culture has maintained close contact with press management agencies and cooperation with more than 50 major press and media agencies.

The activities of the oil and gas industry have been given wide coverage by the media through between 6,000 – 7,000 news reports and feature stories along with tens of thousands of photos published each year./.


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