Overseas Vietnamese’s song expresses love for national islands

Though living far from home, many young Vietnamese people working and studying in the Republic of Korea have expressed their love for Vietnam’s sea and islands.

Living in the “land of kimchi” for 10 years, Thai Duc Kien completed his PhD and is now teaching at Sejong University in Seoul.

With musical talent and a love for Vietnam’s sea and islands, Kien composed the song “Hoang Sa, Truong Sa belong to Vietnam” in just a short period of time. The music video was viewed and shared by thousands of people in the 10 days it has been on YouTube.

Kien’s friends who heard the song after it was filmed had good things to say.

Kien said he will continue to compose songs about the country and the people of Vietnam, to spread love for the homeland among Vietnamese expats.

Contributing to the nation is a common desire for every overseas Vietnamese. For Kien and his compatriots, no matter who you are or what you do, every Vietnamese citizen has the responsibility to protect the national/.