With the theme Giao Mua (Changing Season), the exhibition showcased 50 artworksby painters of the Hanoi UNESCO Fine Arts Centre.
The silk paintings, oil on canvas and lacquer works are of high quality andrich in content, showing the endless creativity of the artists, according toPhan Thi Thanh Mai, Director of the Centre.
Each artwork can be considered a flower of the coming spring, which isdedicated to art lovers, said Mai.
The exhibition is a rendezvous of the artists where they share the passion forart and live life to the fullest with the inspiration of nature, people andbeauty, she added.
The exhibition which closed on December 30 featured remarkable artists ofVietnamese fine arts such as Nguyen Thi Bich Hong, Trinh Huu Minh and Tran HuuDung. /.