Pandemic spreading case related to Revival Ekklesia Mission prosecuted

The Investigation Police Agency of Ho Chi Minh City’s Go Vap district on May 30 decided to prosecute a criminal case related to the COVID-19 infection cluster at “Hoi thanh truyen giao Phuc Hung” (Revival Ekklesia Mission) in order to investigate the act of “spreading dangerous infectious diseases in humans” under Article 240 of the revised 2017 Criminal Code.
Pandemic spreading case related to Revival Ekklesia Mission prosecuted ảnh 1As of 9am on May 30, 33 more COVID-19 cases related to the cluster had been confirmed, raising the total number of infections linked to the Revival Ekklesia Mission to 126 (Photo: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – The Investigation Police Agency of Ho Chi Minh City’s Go Vap district on May 30 decided to prosecute a criminal case related to the COVID-19 infection cluster at “Hoi thanh truyen giao Phuc Hung” (Revival Ekklesia Mission) in order to investigate the act of “spreading dangerous infectious diseases in humans” under Article 240 of the revised 2017 Criminal Code.

According to the agency, the Revival Ekklesia Mission is managed by Phuong Van Tan and his wife Vo Xuan Loan. Initial investigation results showed that the religious group failed to abide by COVID-19 prevention and control regulations, leading to the transmission of the disease to a large number of people.

The latest report from the city's Centre for Disease Control (HCDC) showed that, as of 9am on May 30, 33 more COVID-19 cases related to the cluster had been confirmed, raising the total number of infections linked to the Revival Ekklesia Mission to 126.

So far, HCM City has reported 133 COVID-19 cases since May 27./.


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