People ignored the advice of the authority not to gather at Long Bien Bridge

The closure of shops, restaurants, entertainment services in Hanoi is also the main reason why young people came to the Long Bien bridge to relax.

On the evening of June 6, as noted by reporters of VietnamPlus, many people gathered at Long Bien Bridge of Hanoi to relax and chat. They did that against disease prevention measures of the city's authority

Most of them are young people. Due to a large number of people, the distance between them cannot be guaranteed to be 2 meters apart. Some young people did not wear masks and totally ignored the 5K recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

Looking down from above, hundreds of motorbikes and a large number of people spread across the bridge, causing crowding and traffic jams at many locations.

Some sellers still sold food and iced tea on the bridge, although there has been a directive from the Hanoi People's Committee to ban this type of action.

Those sellers also did not wear a mask and even reacted when a reporter took a picture.

The closure of shops, restaurants, entertainment services in Hanoi is also the main reason why young people came here to relax.

Up to now, Hanoi is one of the areas with a high number of people infected with COVID-19./.