Philippines encourages walking, biking amid COVID-19 lockdown

The Philippines is encouraging residents to walk and cycle during and even after the COVID-19 outbreak to address the limitation of public transportation services and encourage more active lifestyles, especially during lockdowns.
Philippines encourages walking, biking amid COVID-19 lockdown ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source:

Manila (VNA) - The Philippines is encouraging residents to walk and cycle during and even after the COVID-19 outbreak to address the limitation of public transportation services and encourage more active lifestyles, especially during lockdowns.

According to a joint administrative order released on August 20 by the country’s departments of health, transportation, interior, and public works, given the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that active modes of transport for commuters, including walking and bicycling, be promoted for safe commuting.

The order urges national government agencies and local government units to build protected bicycle lanes and walking paths, and supportive infrastructure like bicycle racks and changing rooms.

The Philippines remains under varying restriction levels since the initial lockdown imposed in mid-March limited the public transport system.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also promoted cycling and walking to limit physical contact to prevent and slow down the pandemic.

The Philippines recorded 178,022 confirmed COVID-19 cases on August 20, including 114,114 recoveries and 2,883 deaths./.

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