Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments

The mindset of capturing images at the right moment has made young photographer Nguyen Hoang Linh capable of taking impressive pictures.
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 1Nguyen Hoang Linh now has a beautiful and unique collection of landscape photographs. With an uncommon view associated with good skills and meticulous post-processing, he can have a big effect on young photographers (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 2Saigon seen from above (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 3West Lake in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 4Sparkling Saigon at night (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 5A corner of Linh Dam lake in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 6Mu Cang Chai's terraced rice fields (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 7Dong Chau beach in Thai Binh (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 8Rai cave in Phan Rang (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 9Bac Son in Lang Son (Photo: VNA)
Photographer keens on capturing landscape moments ảnh 10Nho Que river in Dong Van district, Ha Giang (Photo: VNA)

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