PM complements frontline forces in COVID-19 fight

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has sent a letter encouraging frontline forces in COVID-19 prevention and control, recognising and complementing their contributions and efforts in the fight.
PM complements frontline forces in COVID-19 fight ảnh 1Medical staff engaging in the COVID-19 fight (Photo: Vietnam Pictorial)
Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has sent a letter encouraging frontline forces in COVID-19 prevention and control, recognising and complementing their contributions and efforts in the fight.

He noted that in response to the call by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on July 29, the whole Party, people and army has worked hard with a high determination to stamp out the pandemic.

Over the past more than 500 days, COVID-19 has been a test for the Vietnamese people’s endurable capacity, mutual support and patriotism, he stated, adding that positive results have been made despite great challenges ahead.

“Through the past more than 500 days of fighting against a ‘hidden, transforming and invisible’ enemy, we have got a better understanding and been grateful to the sacrifice by all frontline forces, especially medical workers. Their devotion has made a nice picture with colours of humanitarian values, sacrifice, sharing and national solidarity,” PM Chinh wrote.

PM complements frontline forces in COVID-19 fight ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (Photo: VNA)
The PM underscored that although COVID-19 has been developing complicatedly and unexpectedly and causing difficulties and hardships, it has failed to lessen the frontline forces' spirit for the community.

“I can feel the spirit of ‘three readiness’, ‘three responsibilities’, and ‘five voluntariness’ of the glorious past days that are spreading in the frontline forces in the pandemic fight. You have been ready to go to anywhere, do anything for the people and the Fatherland,” stressed the Government leader.

Highlighting hardships that the forces, including medical staff, local officials, soldiers, public security officers, reporters and volunteers, have suffered while performing COVID-19 prevention and control activities, as well as difficulties facing people across the country due to the pandemic, he underscored that the Party and State always understand the difficulties and hope that the pandemic will be pushed back soon.

The Party and State highly value and complement the contributions, sacrifice and whole-hearted efforts by the frontline forces, especially medical staff, he wrote.

Holding that COVID-19 will still develop complicatedly in the future and the fight against the pandemic will be prolonged with various difficulties, PM Chinh expressed his hope that the forces will continue to keep their enthusiasm and a kind heart to serve the people.

“With the persistence, endurance, high determination and more drastic actions as well as synchronous and comprehensive measures, along with the support of people and businesses in the COVID-19 combat, we will surely overcome the pandemic. We will win it!”

The PM wished the forces good health and happiness, stressing that the Party, State and people always stand by them./.


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