PM delivers three peace messages at G7 summit

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 21 delivered a speech at the G7 expanded Summit’s working session named "Towards a Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous World” in Hiroshima.

He affirmed Vietnam will do its best to jointly contribute to peace, stability and sustainable development of mankind.

PM Chinh highlighted Vietnam's three messages on peace, stability and development.

He said ensuring a peaceful and stable environment for cooperation and development is both an essential foundation and an ultimate target for sustainable and prosperous development of the world as well as each country and region.  

He emphasised that the supremacy of law, the respect for the UN Charter and international law, and the settlement of all disputes by peaceful means should be upheld and implemented by specific commitments.

Chinh affirmed sincerity, strategic trust and sense of responsibility are especially important for solving current global challenges./.