PM inspects COVID-19 prevention, control in Hanoi

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh inspected a new COVID-19 treatment hospital in Hanoi’s Hoang Mai district on August 31 before it was officially put into operation the same day.
PM inspects COVID-19 prevention, control in Hanoi ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh inspects the hospital (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh inspected a new COVID-19 treatment hospital in Hanoi’s Hoang Mai district on August 31 before it was officially put into operation the same day.

The PM requested relevant agencies to effectively operate the 500-bed facility and provide more professional training to medical staff in service of COVID-19 patients.

Later, the leader inspected pandemic prevention and control work at Thanh Xuan Trung ward, Thanh Xuan district, which is a hotspot of COVID-19 in the capital city. 

He checked the operation of shippers in delivering essential goods to residents in the ward, and reminded residents to seriously follow pandemic prevention and control measures.

PM inspects COVID-19 prevention, control in Hanoi ảnh 2PM Pham Minh Chinh at the working session (Photo: VNA)

At a working session with officials of the ward, the district and the city, Chinh pointed out existing shortcomings and urged grassroots authorities to ensure social security and welfare, while intensify the enforcement of social distancing measures as the National Day holiday comes near.

The Government leader affirmed that the motto “each commune, ward and township is a fortress, each citizen is a soldier” is a right policy in fighting the pandemic, and the city must do better in implementing this policy./.


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