The President wished Archbishop Nguyen Chi Linh, Catholicdignitaries and followers there a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
He briefed them on the country’s situation in 2023,and attributed such socio-economic achievements to contributions by theCatholic community, saying they have responded to patriotic emulation movementslaunched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front and other organisations and played an activerole in local production.
The Party and the State are always consistent intheir policy of respecting and ensuring people's right to freedom of belief andreligion, and pay attention to perfecting regulations and institutions towardsreligious communities, he affirmed.
Highlighting the great national solidarity as a valuable tradition of Vietnam, a strategic policy of the Party, and a rootof national strength, Thuong called for solidarity among Vietnamese, both religiousand non-religious, and at home and abroad, and between Vietnamese andpeace-loving people worldwide in order to create an environment of peace anddevelopment for the nation.
For his part, Archbishop Linh spoke highly of overseas trips byPresident Thuong in the year, saying they have significantly contributed toraising Vietnam’s position in the international arena.
Recalling Thuong’s trip to the Vatican in July,where he met with Pope Francis, he said it has opened up a new page full ofoptimism and prospects for the relations between Vietnam and the Vatican.
The Archbishop also expressed his hope for furthersupport from agencies for activities of the Archdiocese in the time ahead./.