Prizes of National External Information Service Awards granted to Mexicans

Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong handed over the third prizes of the 2020 National External Information Service Awards to two Mexican authors at an event held in Mexico City on October 30.
Prizes of National External Information Service Awards granted to Mexicans ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong (L) hands over the third prize to Mouris Salloum George, President of the Club of Journalists and Editor-in-Chief of Voces Magazine (Source: VNA)

Mexico (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong handed over the third prizes of the 2020 National External Information Service Awards to two Mexican authors at an event held in Mexico City on October 30.

The prize winners are Ulises Granados Quiroz, Coordinator of Asia Pacific Studies at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, and Mouris Salloum George, President of the Club of Journalists and Editor-in-Chief of Voces Magazine, who both wrote articles in Spanish on China’s survey vessel Haiyang Dizhi 8’s violations in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and condemning China’s actions that infringed the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Duong expressed his hope that the two Mexicans will continue writing articles on the country and people of Vietnam so as to help improve mutual understanding and sentiments between the Vietnamese and Mexican people.

The authors also promised to write more articles on culture, history and economic achievements of Vietnam as well as the fruitful relationship between the two nations.

The 6th National External Information Service Awards attracted nearly 1,300 entries in 17 languages in various categories, including print news in Vietnamese, e-newspapers in Vietnamese, print newspapers in foreign languages, e-newspapers in foreign languages, radio, television, photos, and books. The official awarding ceremony was held in Vietnam in late July./.

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