The project is part of efforts to fulfil national targets on enterprisedevelopment and the national strategy on gender equality.
The project’s goals by 2025 include 90 percent of officials in women’sunions at all levels joining the project equipped with methods to support women’sbusiness development, 70 percent of women accessing communications to raisetheir awareness of employment, supporting 20,000 women to launch a business orstartup, setting up 1,200 cooperatives managed by women and assisting 100,000new firms owned by women.
The project will prioritise poor and disabled women, those from disadvantagedareas and ethnic minority groups.
It will also choose feasibile ideas and models for implementation andmultiplication, while helping business owners improve their capacity.
A women’s startups column will be launched in the online portal of theVietnam Women’s Union and Phu nu Viet Nam (Vietnamese Women) Newspaper, whilepilot communications models will be conducted in 10 provinces.
Funds for the project will be sourced from the State budget, otherprogrammes and projects it’s associated with and other resources.
The Vietnam Women’s Union Central Committee will be responsible forimplementing the project, focusing on building plans at central level, whilethe People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities will support theWomen’s Union at all levels during the implementation.-VNA