Protection, restoration of fine arts focused

Domestic and international experts gathered in Hanoi on June 26 to share experience and expertise on protecting and restoring the fine arts.
Domestic and international experts gathered in Hanoi on June 26 to share experience and expertise on protecting and restoring the fine arts.

The workshop, organised by the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum, forms part of activities under a project jointly implemented by the museum, the Dresden University of Art in Germany and the Goethe Institute in Hanoi from 2012-2017.

Participants discussed the restoration of the two oil paintings “Me con” (Mother and baby), and “Ruou can” (drinking wine out of a jar through pipes).

Marina Langner from the University, who led the joint team, introduced the two works of art before and after their restoration, as well as the techniques applied in the process.

Since 2013, the Museum has sent staff members to the Dresden University of Art and conducted a number of training sessions with German experts to build staff capacity.

It also aims to apply advanced technology in the protection and restoration of art in line with the plan for art development through 2020.

The Vietnam Fine Arts Museum has more than 20,000 vulnerable and precious pieces of oil painting, lacquer, wood, paper and fabric art works.-VNA

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