Quang Ninh targets safe, attractive tourism destination

The northern province of Quang Ninh, home to UNESCO-recognised Ha Long Bay, is working hard to develop safe tourism products as the local tourism sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

After containing the fourth wave of COVID-19 outbreaks, the locality has allowed travel facilities to restore their operation in line with pandemic prevention and control regulations.

Promotion tourism programmes have been launched at Ha Long Bay, the provincial museum and the Yen Tu relic and scenic complex, targeting local holiday-makers.

Local travel firms have joined hands to build chains of products and services to cut expenditures amidst difficulties caused by the pandemic, while stepping up the communication work.

The provincial tourism association has also proposed the provincial People’s Committee welcoming visitors with COVID-19 passes from other localities.

According to the local tourism department, in the first six months of this year, Quang Ninh attracted 2.5 million visitors, equivalent to 60 percent of the number recorded in the same period last year, earning 5.2 trillion VND (225.86 million USD) from the sector./.