Reference exchange rate continues to drop

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) set its reference VND/USD exchange rate at 22,446 VND/USD in the morning of November 17, down by 3 VND from the previous day.
Reference exchange rate continues to drop ảnh 1The reference VND/USD exchange rate is set at 22,446 VND/USD in the morning of November 17 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) set its reference VND/USD exchange rate at 22,446 VND/USD in the morning of November 17, down by 3 VND from the previous day.

With the current  +/- 3 percent VND/USD trading band, the ceiling exchange rate is 23,112 VND per USD and the floor rate is 21,775 VND per USD.

Major commercial banks’ rates were stable.

[Vietnam Dong, among most stable in Asia this year: experts]

Vietcombank kept the rate at 22,675 VND (buying) and 22,745 VND (selling) per USD, unchanged from a day ago.

Vietinbank set the rate at 22,680 VND (buying) and 22,750 VND (selling) per USD, both up 5 VND from the previous day.

Meanwhile, BIDV retained its buying rate at 22,680 VND and their selling rate at 22,750 VND per USD.-VNA

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