Reference exchange rate unchanged on December 20

The State Bank of Vietnam kept the daily reference exchange rate for December 20 unchanged from the previous day at 22,785 VND per USD.
Reference exchange rate unchanged on December 20 ảnh 1The daily reference exchange rate on December 20 is kept at 22,785 VND per USD.  (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - The State Bank of Vietnam kept the daily reference exchange rate for December 20 unchanged from the previous day at 22,785 VND per USD.

With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks for the day is 23,467 VND/USD and the floor rate is 22,103 VND/USD.

The transaction office of the State Bank of Vietnam also maintained the buying rate at 22,700 VND/USD, the same as on December 19 and reduced the selling rate by 2 VND to 23,419 VND/USD.

The opening hour rates listed at commercial banks saw light reductions compared to December 19.

Vietcombank cut 5 VND from both rates, listing the buying rate at 23,265 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,355 VND/USD.

Both rates at Techcombank also dropped by 5 VND to 23,245 VND/USD (buying) and 23,355 VND/USD (selling).

The rates listed by BIDV went down by 5 VND to 23,270 VND/USD (buying) and 23,360 VND/USD (selling).-VNA

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