Scholars talk DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit Vietnam

The Russia-based Valdai Discussion Club held a teleconference in Moscow on February 27 featuring the ongoing second summit between US President Donald Trump and leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un.
Scholars talk DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit Vietnam ảnh 1US President Donald Trump (L) and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un (Source: VNA)
Moscow (VNA) – The Russia-based Valdai Discussion Club held a teleconference in Moscow on February 27 featuring the ongoing second summit between US President Donald Trump and leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un.

The event attracted the participation of three scholars major in US and DPRK studies, experts in Hanoi and university professors from Seoul, the Republic of Korea.

Konstantin Asmolov from the Korean Studies Centre under the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Far Eastern Studies presented an overview of the context resulting in the second meeting between the US and DPRK leaders as well as expectations from observers, including practical steps to loosen sanctions against Pyongyang, the DPRK’s commitment to denuclearisation and the US’s soft stance.

He said Kim is likely to mention Pyongyang’s position in the US – China relations.

According to him, it is hard for President Trump to make suggestions as expected by Pyongyang.

Joining the event from Hanoi, Prof. Georghi Toloraya said the meeting between the two leaders took place in the open and amicable atmosphere.

He said there are many predictions on specific decisions relating to the shutdown of nuclear complex and the possibility of removing sanctions by the United Nations Security Council.

The professor was cautious when forecasting the outcomes of the summit that will conclude on February 28.

Prof. Andrey Lankov from Seoul-based Kookmin University reported on the DPRK’s socio-economic development with a 4-5 percent economic growth.

Despite sanctions and embargo, the DRPK is yet to fall into crisis while local lives are still ensured, which makes it easier for the DPRK leader to protect his stance during negotiations, he said.-VNA

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